SalonSpaWare, the developers of SpaWare, SalonWare, MediSpaWare and MDWare.

SalonSpaWare strives to establish solid client relationships with hospitality operations worldwide. Salonspaware clients with exceptional service and business tools via the implementation of its premiere and highly flexible software solution. 

We take pride in our focus on customer service through ongoing friendly and timely support to our clients long after the sale of our software. As your business partner, SalonSpaWare is committed to industry leadership by continuously improving our software, incorporating the latest technological advances and listening to and implementing suggestions from our users. 

In many ways, the company behind the program is as important as the software itself. You can purchase a great program with all the features you need and still lose out if you are dealing with an unreliable or dishonest company. 

At SalonSpaWare, we believe that you should pick one thing and do it better than everyone else. that is why the only product we develop and support is Salonspaware. To some of our competitors, salon/spa software is a small aspect of their overall business. They develop many different programs dealing with various industries. Our philosophy is to concentrate on doing our best at one thing. Software for running your spa or salon isn't just a part of our business, It is our business.